Wednesday, July 10, 2013

All about me

So I know that this isn't a beauty post, but I thought that i would do an "about me" section so that people can know me better and I won't be just some words on a computer screen.
1.Do you have a middle name? I Yes, I do. It's Nicole
 2. What was your favorite subject in school? In high school, I always loved English but now that I am in college I take only biology classes. Haha, gotta love nursing school.

3. What’s your favorite drink? I LOVE tea. Almost any type of tea will do. :)

4. Favorite song at the moment? I have been listening to I Won't Lie by Go Radio so much lately, but my all time favorite song is "As Time Goes By" by Frank Sinatra

5. What would you name your children? For a girl, I am planning on Aurora and for a boy I'm leaning towards Jameson... my boyfriend already approves.

6. Do you participate in any sports? I don't play sports, but I will watch them. A lot of them. I'm definitely a sports fan.

7. Favorite Book? I have read so many books in my life that I couldn't pick just one favorite. So many have changed me and who I thought I was.

8. Favorite Color? Pink... all day every day.

9. Favorite Animal? Definitely a giraffe. I love them more than anything.

10. Favorite perfume? I love Daisy by Marc Jacobs. I think its perfect for me.

11. Favorite holiday? Halloween is my favorite. I feel like its the time when you can be the most creative and you can spend a night being someone you have always wanted to be.

12. Have you graduated High School? Indeed I have. Lancaster High School class of 2009. Go Eagles! Haha

13. Have you been out of the Country? Never, and I know one day I will travel everywhere. I'm so excited for it.

14. Do you speak any other Languages? I can say a few words in Norwegian and some in Native American, but not much.

15. Do you have any siblings? I have two brothers, Kristian and Kameron, 2 step brother, Thomas and Kyle, and 2 step sisters, Jennifer and Courtney.

16. What’s your favorite store? I love going to Old Navy and Forever 21 (we don't have a lot of other places in my mall), but I'm also always in Ulta and Barnes and Noble

17. Favorite Restaurant? My favorite has to be Johnny Carino's! I always want to go there and chow down. :) Yummy.

18. Did you like school? I loved school. I'm still in school, college anyway. I love being there.

19. Favorite YouTubers? I don't have any favorites. I just like to see all of the different topics I'm interested in.

20. Favourite Movie? Hands down, its Casablanca. Ever since I saw it in A.P. US History, I was in love with no chance of ever changing my mind,

21. Favorite TV show? Its a tie between The Big Bang Theory and Once Upon a Time. I think that they are so amazing that I can't just choose one.

22. PC or Mac? I one day want to own a Mac, but since I have a PC, I will stay loyal to it for as long as possible.

23. What phone do you have? I have a Samsung Epic 4g, but eventually I want to get an S4

24. How tall are you? I am a nice 5'5", so not to short, but I'm not really tall either
13 Personal Questions:

1. What do you order at Starbucks? It always depends on what I'm in the mood for. Sometimes, I want a caramel frapp, sometimes I Chai Tea Frapp. Usually its a Frapp unless its Christmas time and i get a Egg Nog Latte.

2. One thing in your closet you cannot live without? Sweaters and Cardigans. I love wearing them and I can always find really cute ones. :)

3. What’s one thing most people probably don’t know about you? Well unless your around me a lot, you wouldn't know how much I love video games.

4. Name one thing you want to do before you die… I want to do so many things, but mostly I want to meet my dads family that I have never met before.

5. What’s one food you cannot live without? Cheese, I put it on everything.

6. What quote/phrase do you live by? I don't really live by one phrase. Its more like a series of phrases that work in different situations.

7. What’s your most listened to song on iTunes? I just looked it up and its a three-way tie between "Love me Dead" By Ludo, "Divine Intervention" by Taking Back Sunday, and "As Time Goes By" By Frank Sinatra.

8. What kind of style would you define yourself as having? It would probably be considered preppy, I don't have much edge to my clothing, haha

9. Favourite number? 23, always and forever.

10. Two Hobbies? Reading and shopping.

11. Pet Peeve? People that apologize for EVERYTHING, even things they don't need to apologize for.

12. Guilty Pleasures? 90's music. I can't help it, I listen to it all the time and people always look at me funny.

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